Thursday, May 31, 2012

McDavid 454 Carpal Tunnel Wrist Support

The McDavid 454 Carpal Tunnel Wrist Support - for more information on wrist supports and braces visit

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

3pp Step Up Splint for alleviating flexion contractures of the IP joint The 3pp Step Up splint is used to help straighten a finger with a flexion contracture by applying static progressive stretch. The splint can be used for mild to severe IP flexion contractures. The splint base stabilizes the MP joint and rotates to allow alternating the angle of pull for different digits. Measuring instructions are found on the 3-Point Products web site. The splint needs to be fitted by a hand therapist or occupational therapist.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

how to make a home made finger splint

basic finger splint, if you would like, you can tape your hurt finger to one of the fingers next to it for better support.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How-to fit Wrist/ Forearm Splint Item# 6843 - Core Products

Bob Meier shows How-to fit Wrist/ Forearm Splint Item# 6843 - Core Products. View more online at

Monday, May 21, 2012

Carpal Tunnel Doctor Discusses Symptoms and Solution

Carpal Tunnel Symptoms? Watch video of Doctor Discussing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms and a Natural Solution. Learn more about symptoms at: Order the Carpal Solution Therapy today only $79.95

Saturday, May 19, 2012

10 OEC Online, Splinting Part 1

Box splints Part 1

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Home Healthcare for Animals Leg Splint for Dogs Pets Veterinarian Broken Leg Cast

Kim Cooper forms a leg splint for a broken foot on a dog. SamSplint can be used for people, dogs or other pets to create a protective splint for broken legs, broken arms, sprained ankles or knees on animals or people.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

update on Braveheart and Zanzibar at Zazen Bengals

As you know, little Brave heart had to wear a splint for 3 weeks because of a gap in his wrist where the bones had not grown properly. Left unattended, at 12 days old he was walking on the foot using the top of his foot which twisted under and over because it wasn't supported by the bones. After xrays were taken, he was splinted and I changed the splint every few days (checking it several times a day) for three weeks. Since then he has improved tremendously and is stalking around with his sister Zanzibar. The are both in the midst of the 'fuzzies' so their patterns and contrast are no where near as clear as they were before...but as they get their adult coats we will again see those gorgeous patterns.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The sound my wrist makes when I take off my silversplint. Is this a sublux?

I have a silversplint (a special brace, made of silver) for my wrist. It is supposed to prevent subluxes and luxations. But when I have it on for a while, my wrist starts to hurt and I have to take the brace of. In the vid you can see what happends if I do. I am very happy with the brace, beceause it does help a lot. I just hoped my wrist wouldn't sublux at all with the brace on!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Red Youth Impact Wrist Guard - The Red Youth Impact Wrist Guards will keep your child's wrist protected whilst they perfect their technique out on the slopes with the sturdy, tapered top splints. They can be worn comfortably under their gloves because of their improved low profile design.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Clean pull @ 90 kg

Nicki Minaj and a headband with pink flowers. No wrist splint. Yes.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Zazen Bengals Braveheart and Zanzibar Silver Rosetted Kittens

Born 3/10/12 these two babies are only 3 weeks old and this is their first time on a slippery vinyl floor. Zanzibar is the lighter, smaller kitten and she is a female who we may be keeping as a future queen. Zanzibar has incredible rosettes, large nocturnal eyes, small ears and is just gorgeous. Little Braveheart is wearing a splint (and has since he was 10 days old) because there is a undeveloped gap in the bones between his radius/ulna and his carpal (wrist) bones. It is our hope that wearing the splint will support this leg as it grows and that this gap will close in time. Prior to wearing the splint, he had a tendency to walk on the top of his foot which would have caused permanent damage. As you can see 2 weeks in the splint and he is tossing it around like a pro. Because of his age and the rapid growth he undergoes as a kitten, we check it several times a day and change the splint every 3-4 days - sometimes changing out the moleskin covered popsicle sticks using ones that are slightly longer and wider to compensate for his growth. He will be re-xrayed in a few weeks to see how things are progressing.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lynx Hand Splint

Lynx WHFO for wrist, hand, and finger for carpal tunnel wrist support and a excellent wrist brace, can assist with carpal tunnel syndrome while giving wrist support. Useful for wrist injuries or a preventative wrist support for athletics.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

LEEDer Griping Hand Splint - LEEDer Group

LEEDer Griping Hand Splint - LEEDer Grip hand splint for severe contractures. Flex-E-Core Technology and multiple sizing rolls allow arresting contractures and returning WHFO wrist hand finger assembly to normal "C" position